Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Uses of Personality & Integrity Testing Essay - 275 Words

Uses of Personality & Integrity Testing (Essay Sample) Content: Uses of Personality Integrity TestingAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameUniversity AffiliationUses of Personality Integrity Testing 1 Do you think employers should use integrity and personality tests to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Why or whyÂnot?ÂYes, employers should use personality and integrity tests in the recruiting and promotion decisions. However, my view is that, employers should administer the test in accordance with the developerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s intended use. For instance, it is appropriate to test an accounting with a math test, but inappropriate to use the same test for a custodial employee. Apart from this, employees in the current world are likely to be dishonest than in the past. As such, the employees are likely to engage in dishonesty, and unethical practices, such as taking bribes or theft of goods (Schaffer, Schmidt, 2008). 2 Can you think of some jobs where integrity and personality tests might be more appropriate than for other jobs? Give your rationale.In the corporate world, integrity and personality tests are appropriate. However, they should focus on particular job positions, such as managerial, finance officers, sales and marketing, including positions where employees are likely to engage with people, directly. In addition, security jobs also require these tests. Employees in this scope are in constant interaction with people. Their temperament, behaviors and ethics matter. On the other hand, there are jobs that do not require these tests. Such jobs include those in the creative industry, voluntary work and unskilled labor. Most of these jobs, the employees, for example, voluntary work employees already know the scope of their work. As such, it is their choice, either to participate or decline the job (Phillips, Gully, 2013).  3 Do you think companies will use more or less integrity and personality tests in the next fiveÂyears? Why?ÂUndisputedly, employers will continue using integrity and personal ity tests more in the next five years. This is because the concept of integrity and personality is broadening, and this shows that, human beings are also becoming more complex. The need to maintain sustainability via employing or ...

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